What are the dates for the 2022 Class Reunion?
We don’t know yet, but will continue to communicate to you throughout the next year as plans develop. Our target is a weekend in September. Please check back on this website for updates.
What if I’ve already paid for a reservation?
You will receive a refund for each $71 paid reservation shortly. If you do not see a refund on your debit or credit card by September 8. 2021, please send us an email.
What will you do with my donation to the WGHS Foundation Family Assistance fund?
We will assume you still want to make the donation. If that’s not what you want, please send us an email.
How do I know if the reunion team has my correct information? I never got an invitation.
Unfortunately, the USPS service has become inconsistent over the last year or two. If you gave the team your current address, then we mailed you an invitation. If you still want to validate your information with us, you can send your current contact information here.
I never received a survey. Do you have my email address?
First, please check your spam folder and your settings that prevent emails from arriving in your inbox. If you don’t find the emailed survey, please send us your current contact information here so we can validate that we have your current email.