50 +1 WGHS Reunion Survey

    First Name (required)

    Maiden Name

    Last Name (required)

    Email Address

    Phone Number

    Street Address (required)

    City (required)

    State (required)


    Zip Code (required)

    I attended (choose all that apply):

    My favorite reunion memories include (choose all that apply):
    Seeing friends and catching upIntroducing my spouse/date to friendsTaking pictures with my elementary and junior high friendsUnstructured socializing without a program (Friday/Sunday)Program to memorialize deceased classmates and announcements (Saturday)Video of composites and memorabilia center (Saturday)50/50 split the pot w/ half going to the Webster School District Foundation (Saturday)Dancing/DJ music backgroundOther (explain)

    How did you hear about reunion events? (choose all that apply):
    WGHS71.comFriendEmailInvitation received in the mailOther (explain below)

    Future of Class of 71 gatherings:

    This year’s committee was asked if there would be future gatherings. A 55 year reunion was suggested since “we’re not getting any younger.” Please be honest in the following answers in order for accurate decisions to be made concerning another event.

    If another event would be planned consider the following options…and feel free to offer options of your own: