Classmate Ray Birch posted this great suggestion on the reunion Facebook page:
“Whatever happened to…?” might be a good thing to put on the web page. What do you think? Even the people who have responded, but can’t make the reunion, could put something down so we would know what they are doing or where they are.
The reunion committee couldn’t agree more, Ray, so here it is. Please folks, whether you can attend any of the reunion events or not, click the “comments” link and/or fill in the “Leave a Reply” box and tell us what you’ve been up to for the past 40 years.
Only a week to go and I'm finally checking out all of the great comments and downloads on the reunion web site. I left WGHS and attended Texas Christian for two years, then transferring to Mizzou for a degree in Broadcast Journalism where I was an Alpha Phi with Claire Coleman Lamonica. I worked at a small tv station in Tupelo, MS as a reporter/anchor, then Wichita, KS as a reporter/producer. Always looking for some new adventure I went into hospital marketing. I married Jim Serra (Brentwood '71/Mizzou '75). He worked at KSDK at the time as a producer...but we soon moved to Lake Charles, LA where Jim worked as National Sales Manager and has now been General Manager of KPLC-TV (NBC affiliate) for quite some time. I worked in hospitals, marketing for a local mall, and capped off my career days as Admissions Director/Development Director for a small Episcopal Day School. In the meantime, we have a daughter, Jennie, who is now married and teaches in New Orleans at a school similar to the school in FAME. Amusingly, she's a very talented math teacher. This was NEVER among my talents. I became overly volunteered after 'retirement' and served for several years as the state Chairperson for Keep Louisiana Beautiful which is an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful. I worked harder at that job than some of my paid positions. We travel a lot...we have a second home built in 1730 in Exeter, NH and I try to spend a LOT of the summer there since Louisiana is a tad steamy. I continued my love of horses through my daughter...she rode hunter/jumper and I dinked around with her when I could. We live in a turn of the century home in Louisiana that has withstood many hurricanes...and, life is good. Can't wait to see everyone.
After college, I moved out to Denver with some college friends. Met my husband, Larry, who was in sales. His job prompted us to move around a lot. Went from Denver to Minneapolis Minnesota, Wausau Wisconsin, Columbus Ohio, Chicago, back to St Louis, Pittsburgh, back to Minneapolis, and finally back to St Louis. We have two great boys, Alex and Drew. Alex is now married and living in Boston and Drew is a sophmore at Missouri State. I worked as a buyer in Denver, proofreader for Target in Minneapolis, a buyer for Mary Engelbreit here in St Louis and now I am working as a teacher's aide at Bristol School. Glad to be back in St Louis with family and friends.
What ever happened to Dave Pieplow?
What ever happened John Strom?
wasn't it Jon Strom?
After graduation, I spent part of the summer in Colorado, working at Young Life Camp. Then it was off to William Woods College, where I pledged a sorority (Alpha Phi) and graduated as an Art Education major, with a minor in French. Unable to find a full-time teaching position, I was hired by HOK Architects (St. Louis) as a graphic designer. I got married, and then I got divorced. I met my "current" husband at HOK; Greg is a landscape architect/land planner, and we just celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary. I have been very fortunate to have worked at some amazing firms, including RTKL (Baltimore) and Walt Disney World Design and Engineering (Orlando). Greg and I lived for 18 years in Columbia, Maryland, where we raised our daughter, Stephanie, and where I was a Girl Scout leader for many, many years (all 18 of "my girls" earned their Gold Award, which is like Eagle Scout for Boy Scouts). Our daughter graduated from Salisbury University, and is now an RN at Baptist Hospital, Miami. Four years ago, Greg accepted a position running the Miami office of EDAW/AECOM, so we packed up our two American bulldogs and four cats and made the big move to South Miami. Currently, I am a senior designer with TGA Design (Coral Gables); we specialize in signage/graphics programs for the cruise ship industry, and have just completed work on Oasis and Allure of the Seas, the largest cruise ships in the world (lots of signs!). Life has been good.
I have wondered over the years where you were. Glad to hear you have had a great life. Can't wait to see you at the reunion.
College man
Working man
Single man
Married man
Family man
Contented man
It is truly amazing to see how widely so many of us dispersed. Me, I stayed here. Seven years at Mizzou, practicing law ever since in St. Louis. Married a Kirkwood girl, raised two Pioneers, been to many Turkey Day games, now with deep Kirkwood roots and (mostly) fond Webster memories. Love the grade school class photos.
"Go West young man." Well, I did and attended Brigham Young University for a year and then served an LDS Mission in Central California for two years. Upon returning to BYU (Jan. '75), I worked and went to school, completing my BA in Economics in 1979, Along the way, I got married and had a son. Moved back to St. Louis and completed and MBA at UMSL. Worked in the financial area for a few years (had a daughter) and moved to Denver, were my wife grew up.
Joined the hotel business in Denver (had another son) and worked in Denver, Golden, Vail until moving to Allentown, PA. Not a great move, except got my third son-fourth child, and last.
Moved to Salt Lake in '92 and have continued in the hotel business since then. Divorced in '98. I was the General Manager at The Yarrow Resort Hotel in Park City for a number of years, until it was sold last year. Have taken some time off to play some golf and do family things. Am deciding wether to stay in Utah, go to the East Coast (3 of my kids are there), or even move "home" to WG. If you know anyone in the hotel business in St.Louis, let me know.
This also my 40th anniversary of my involvement with the sport of RUGBY. First introduced to the sport by Vic Miller (Chemistry, WGHS). I played at BYU for 4-5 years. I played with the St. Louis Bombers (when I could) during my years in town. I also played with a couple of club teams in Colorado and did some coaching in PA. Since coming to Utah, I have been involved in administration, was the Youth Development Officer for USA Rugby for ten years, and currently still referee on a local level (high schoold, college, club). I still get out once or twice a year in an "Old Boys" match. But, the body just doesn't heal the way it used to.
My kids have been very involved in sports, also. Josh, my oldest, has three National Rugby High School Championships and was MVP in '97. Currently in Vermont as Editor of "Telemark Magazine". He has made a career of skiing. Look for him this fall coming to your city with his 4th telemark ski movie tour, "Legacy".
My daughter, Mindy, is committed to compete in a Ms. Fitness America show and working hard at it. She is teaching HS in the DC area.
Son #2, Lorin, was an All State Lacrosse player. Didn't continue in college due to his love of music. Check out for some great rock n roll. Just finished the 3rd leg of current tour. Will be heading East in Sept.
Collin, my youngest, was a HS All American in Lacrosse. He is currently on scholarship and playing D2 Lacrosse at Dominican College in Orangeburg, NY.
A little lengthy, but when we get going on our kids....
Meet you in St. Louis....soon!
I knew several Rugby players in Colo. i think most were on the Highlanders team
Short form history: I began Washington U. in fall of 1971 on an academic scholarship but my mom got ill and died during the first semester. The four teenage orphan Wingfields moved to Virginia and I attended a small college there where I worked many jobs and served as the school photographer. Met my bride Debbie there and finished my first degree at Mizzou in photojournalism. Was the editor of a small country newspaper in Virginia for 5 years, then seved 10 years as bureau chief and editor of a large daily newspaper in Hampton Roads, Va. Burned out on 75 hour weeks and went into corporate communications at two utilities in Illinois and Washington, DC. Earned an MBA in my 40s and became a finance officer for USEC Inc., the company that provides nuclear fuel to power reactors around the world. (We buy nuclear warhead material from the Russians and convert it into commercial grade fuel - we have converted more than 17,000 warheads that used to be pointed at us.) Debbie and I love Washington and just celebrated our 36th anniversary. We have two great sons who graduated from U. of Va. and are out on their own. We travel extensively and that's why we won't be at the reunion -- we'll be in Scotland and Wales. Looking forward to retirement where I can travel even more. And yes, I still have a camera with me most of the time!
my brother is a professor at U of VA
Graduated from Southeast Mo State in 1975. During summers I worked in Colorado as a backpacking, rafting and kayaking instructor in a program similar to Outward Bound. I met my wife Jo Anne while working in Denver. She graduated from Western Michigan in 1976 in Occupational Therapy. We married in 1978. Jo Anne began pursuing a stronger spiritual walk due to a hormone imbalance that prevented her from having children. In 1984 when she was divinely healed, I started reading the Bible and shortly received Jesus Christ as my Savior. A few years later I sold my business interests and went to study the Bible. One of the best decisions of my life! I have a business career and do lots of Bible teaching and ministry.
We have three boys. Matt is married, they have a son and he serves in Air Force Special Operation Command as a pilot. Stephen is married and an IT consultant. Brett just graduted in May from the US Coast Guard Academy and got married to his high school sweetheart.
Jo Anne and I just celebrated our 33rd anniversary and spend free time with family (love time with our grandson), outdoors hiking in Georgia and Colorado, on the lake and fishing in the bay waters of the Gulf. Life has been nothing short of fun and exciting. Looking forward to the second half of our life together.
We will miss the reunion due to a previously scheduled trip hiking and mountain climbing in Colorado with some close friends. Hope you all have a great time! The Class of 71 was outstanding!!!
Ron, isn't it funny we each named one of out kids Brett.
Here's a note I got from our foreign exchange student Ulf Duus...
Hello Karen, Thanks for mailing me and I remember you too – confirmed by looking in the old yearbook of 71 where you actually wrote some nice comments. It´s been very many years since I had any contact with Webster and it was with Herb Morissey who visited me years ago here in Sweden. 40 years is a long time and I guess life has been alright with me so far. I have been working as a toxicology consultant with my own little company called Toxhunter Ltd, I have a wife and three grown up kids. I play a lot of music – fiddle in an Irish band in Sweden – which tends to increase gradually over the years. I do a lot of sailing on the Swedish west coast in summer. I have been to US a number of times in my job, but never to St Louis and of course it would be fun to see old Webster again. I´m not coming to the reunion however but I would be happy to have some information about you and other friends I got at Webster. If you´re going to the Reunion couldn´t you please say hello to all the nice people that I knew when I was over there.
Greetings from UlfD
The nutshell version...married Darlene Umphenour in '73, BSEE from Rolla in '74, twin daughters born in Phoenix in '75, moved to SF Bay Area for grad school in '76, son born in '80, MSEE from Stanford in '82, worked for Tom McWilliams at Livermore Labs '81-'83, been a contract software engineer since '83, Germany for 3 months in '86, divorced in '91, my SO and her son moved in with us in '93, unemployed from 2001-2004, moved (back) to Phoenix in 2004, taught at Art Institute and ITT Tech for a couple of semesters and hated it, back to contracting in 2006, bought a house with my SO in 2005, we walked away from it after the housing collapse this year, first (and hopefully last) "cardiac incident" in January. Five grandkids, all 6 and under. Been to London, Paris, Berlin a couple of times, NYC a to travel, hate to fly. Happiest on the beach or walking in an urban environment, camping not so much.
Hello, Webster Groves alumni! I wish I could remember more of you! HS was kind of a blur, since my Dad died when I was at Steiger. I moved to California, went to school at LACC got a 2 year degree in Occupational Therapy. I stayed in California, moved around to Madera in the Central Valley, San Francisco, then onto Stockton where I met my husband, Robert Copp of 26 years. We live in a small burg called Kelsey between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe. We have 3 beautiful daughters, Stephanie, Rachel and Allison, who we enjoy tremendously!
I enjoy traveling. My big trips have been to Mexico, Hawaii, the Caribbean (2x's), Ecuador, and most recently, Nepal, India and Hong Kong.
I am a Young Living Essential Oil distributer and work in a Rehab setting where I get to use essential oils every day for pain, anxiety and wound care. I am also studying acupressure in Berkeley.
I've stayed in touch with Diane Spiess Young, who is a dear and wonderful friend. I enjoy returning to St. Louis and would love to live there part time...spring and fall would be loverly. I so appreciate my Mid-Western upbringing and all folks from the Mid-west.
Enjoy the reunion and I will look forward to seeing pictures on-line.
Fran Musso Copp
Hi Fran,
I stumbled on to this web-site. I live in Southern Cal. Currently working as Vice President for a Hospital. How's things going for you.
Where has life led me? Straight west!! Right out of high school, i started college at Meramec Community College to get some of my requisites for nursing school out of the way. Then off to 2 straight years of nursing school and working at St. Joseph's Hospital for three years. Got married to Scott and moved to Kansas City KS for 3 years. He got his masters degree and we headed to Denver CO, where we stayed. Had three boys, Brett, Thomas and Peter. (yes God help me) Worked in a hospital in Boulder for a year and then forever left the hospital systems.. Worked in occupational medicine, at Western Electric, Denver International Airport while it was being built. Colorado Rehab Institute, Coors Brewing Co, and have now been with Reed Group for 7 1/2 years doing telephonic case management for Short Term Disability . Scott and i separated over 9 yrs ago but never divorced. We've remained friends and everything was very amicable. Lucky me!! My oldest son, Brett, is now 30 and will make me a grandma for the first time in less than a month. (I will be called Jany) I can't wait. (how did we get to grandma age???) I will just happen to be in St. Louis for my neice's wedding on Labor Day weekend so i am hoping to get to part of the reunion. Hope to see as many of you as possible.
Grandam Jany now has a beautiful grandson named Benjamin. He is, of couse, just beautiful.
We have just celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary, proving a few doubters wrong. We spent the first 4 years after HS at Rolla, Tom received BS civil eng and Jan PHT (putting hubby through), left Rolla in May 1975 with 3 kids, a small pile of stuff, an Opel Cadet and headed to a job in Texas and we have been there ever since; just completed 36 years with Eastman Chemical Company, currently working as project manager for major capital projects. Jan is busy with award winning quilting and is a 12 year cancer survivor. Daughters Tammi, Sandi and Debby are all graduates of Univ of Texas, married with 8 children between them, ages 2-12; loving being grandparents. Looking forward to retirement. Both active at church including ACTS retreat program. Looking forward to seeing old friends in September.
Education is wasted on the young, and I wasted mine. I left Rolla with many good friends but no degree. Became a medical assistant and loved it. I eventually married an engineer I met in Rolla (it took us 11 years to finally get married). We had twin boys, then Rich got transferred to South Carolina, where our two other boys were born. We got transferred back to the area in 1999. I was a stay-at-home mom until the tag-along got into school. Then I went to college and got a BA in gerontology and worked in long-term care while earning a degree in music therapy. I am now a self-employed music therapist doing contract work at nursing homes in the area and I love it. So it took me 57 years to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, but it was worth the wait.
It does not seem like it has been 40 years.
After graduation I spent two semesters at Meramec CC. Problem was I did not have my head in the learning game. Grades were OK but did not have a clear picture of the direction I wanted to go. Quit going to school and entered the workforce. I worked at Famous-Barr in Clayton for a year and a half and then a die-cutting company for half a year. During this time Mike Johnson and I became very good friends. At 20 I was hired by the Postal Service - best job move I ever made. One thing about the Postal Service it had all sorts of job opportunities. I started out as a clerk. Did that for 4 years. Then I realized that working in technical jobs was the place to be. Worked full time at the Post Office (nights) and went to Meramec during the day for 1 1/2 years to get an Associate Degree in Industrial Electronics. By the way during this time I married the love of my life - Susan. We have been married for 34 years. Moved to Maintenance in the Post Office. Spent 12 years in maintenance as a mechanic and electronic tech. Change in direction - still working full time at the Postal Service I went back to school. Got a BA in Management and Computer Studies (Double Major) at Webster University. Moved into Management at the Post Office. Transferred to Springfield MO Post Office in 1993. We live south of Springfield in Nixa, MO. Held various managerial jobs in Springfield and retired in May 2008 with 35 years of service. Did projects around the house for a year. Decided I needed to do something so I became a Nixa School District bus driver. Have driven a school bus for 2 years - job only 5 minutes from my home (I have gotten to hate having to commute 30 or more minutes to get to work). My wife and I are heavily involved in local politics. She is the Secretary for the Missouri Democratic Party and I am running for State Representative. Check out my web site:
Finally - stayed very good friends with Mike and Judy Johnson all these years. We would always get together two or three times a year to go to the wineries. Mike passed away September 2007 due to surgery complications. I do miss Mike.
I remember Mike Johnson well. I'm so sorry to hear he passed away. I will always remember him.
After graduation, I attended Meramec Community College majoring in math, while working three part-time jobs. Then, I attended UMSL and graduated with BS Business, while working at the 7UP Company in Clayton. While working for Gusdorf Manufacturing as a Cost Accounting Manager, I got engaged and later married an Ohio man who was working in St Louis. I ended finding a job in Ohio as a Cost Accountant and moving to Ohio. I had two wonderful children: Shane & Tess. I completed my MBA that I started in St Louis with courses from The Ohio State University. I later divorced in 1992 and started my own accounting firm in 1997. After a long illness, my dad died in 2007 and mom died in 2009 after a brief illness. Last year, I became a grandmother and I love it. This year in May, I married Alvie Dale Rapp after being together for 9 years. My life has had its ups and downs, but very satisfying.
When I graduated all I could think about was getting as far away from school as I could. After trying my hand at managing a garage band, waiting tables, babysitting (nanny) (those kids will never be the same ;-) traveling and just being lazy, I went back to school in 1975 and became a Medical Laboratory Technician. I married into Brentwood Lanes in 1980, our daughter was born in 1988, we bought an 8 lane "country bowling center" in Hermann Mo. in 1992. I worked at the hospital lab from 1992-2000. I sold the business in 1997 freeing me up to pursue other avenues. I dabbled in a machine shop business for about 5 years in that same time frame and decided I didn't want to work that hard anymore. I became a substitute teacher until 2002 when was offered a full time (with benefits) position in Special Ed. until 2008. My dad came to live with us in 2004 after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I ended up back in Kirkwood in pursuit of Adult Day care for him in 2008. Right now I'm a caregiver and I'm loving it. And for the 1st time in 40 years I'm not working so hard.
Three weeks after graduation I was sworn in to a four year enlistment in the US Navy. I spent six month at Great Lakes, just north of Chicago, before being assigned to a ship home ported in Pearl Harbor. Three Westpac cruises later, I returned to Webster Groves and enrolled at UMSL where I majored in communications. I got married in 1979 and moved back to Hawaii in 1982 to continue my career in broadcasting. My two oldest children were born in the same hospital President Obama was born in (or so we've been told).
We moved back to St. Louis in 1986 where I continued to work in broadcasting; at Channel 4, 5, and 30. In 1989 our third child (a bonus) was born. In 1992, I left broadcasting and entered the field of software development and later moved into Internet marketing, which is what I do now. We have two grandchildren.
Check me out online:
Many kids flounder right out of high school...and I was one of those. Mizzou first, the community college....but ultimately settled into Wash U with a BSBA. With five years in industrial sales, landed at McDonnell Douglas to finally do what I and strategic planning. I chuckle now to think how many struggled to figure out how to market this new thing call "software!" Ha! After about 16 years in software, moved to, of all things, transportation.....actually renting and leasing trailers to truckers. Such a good industry that Warren Buffet bought fun! Love what I do and will continue for probably the next ten years as I work to get my two kids finished in college and protect those benefits. We all need benefits.....right?
Hey you remember playing the guitar for Anita Johnson, Ellie Richardson, Vicky McCall, and myself in Plymouth's talent show singing "You Can't Hurry Love" by the Supremes?
Now that you mention it, Jacki I do remember. I'll have to get out my guitar and see if I can still play it. did a great job with the was good to see you...thanx
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